The bride and groom got ready in different areas and had to take care not to see each other before they were meant to.

A quick peep through the net curtains to check that people were going inside for the service. I really enjoy these sorts of images, they tell a story as well as make attractive pictures.

Another moment captured, as dad checks his watch. It is difficult to photograph genuinely candid moments, one has to be alert and anticipate any action, as well as combine light and composition to add the final touches to the image.

The interior of the barn is surprisingly large, just as well as it was pretty crowded with all the guests attending this wedding.

On the way out after the service, this series of images sums up the exuberant mood.

The nice weather and gardens gave us an opportunity to take some attractive portraits.

I operate in a very discreet and documentary fashion, so even though I kept back from this part of the day when the couple were videoed I managed to be quick enough to get this shot as Lucy's veil blew away.

The reception started and the interior was beautifully laid out, olive trees made the centre point of each table. The trio of Italian singers (called Take Two) set the mood in a superb way. At frequent intervals people would bang their plates with the cutlery and chant "bacio, bacio" - the couple then were expected to stand and kiss, all great fun!

I couldn't resist this nice detail shot in this blog.

The caricaturist was very popular, and skilfully drew various guests, naturally doing one of the couple themselves.

The speeches proved very amusing and were appreciated by everyone present.

Fast forward to the first dance, it is challenging to record the emotions of such an event and, at the same time, provide beautiful images. Between myself and my assistant (Karen, my wife) we managed to achieve some delightful images.

With chinese lanterns not being allowed, the couple had a balloon release instead.

Eventually the day drew to a close, we had a spectacular day and we hope that these images provide memories for the future.