Nick Desprs Photography

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Lucy & Brendan

Lucy & Brendan are a couple with whom I have a fair bit in common, a love of the sea, climbing and photography.  So we were really looking forward to this event.

Lucy and the bridesmaids were a bit late back from the hairdressers,  but there was no panic and everyone got ready in time for the cars to take them to the church.  I love pictures like the one I start this blog with, it tells a story as well as being a fascinating image. 

The dress and accessories were beautiful, in particular the shoes!  Notice the anchor, there will be other images following the nautical theme later.

Meanwhile my wife and assistant Karen was photographing the groomsmen who seemed to be enjoying their hats.

The dress required those nearby to be careful where they stood.

Matthew, the pageboy, led everyone into St. Joseph's Church at the perfect pace.


We are always on the look out for those little details that can make a strong picture.

A breezy day meant the veil was in constant need of some prompt action!

Is the dress all in yet?

 We had a brief stop at the park for pictures, then onward to the Farmhouse for the reception.

Once again the dining area had been decorated in stunning fashion, a few more anchors to continue the theme.

Speeches drew a few tears and many laughs.

The Boulangerie was responsible for this skilfully made cake, no surprises about the decorations.  An attractive cheese tower was there for anyone who felt hungry later that evening.

No, you don't want to use that toy knife - try this instead!  A sword was offered up by one of the bestmen...

Lucy's time in America was recognised with the USA themed pick 'n mix table, some great details there.

The first dance kicked off a busy last few hours as the dance floor saw some energetic activity.

Being a keen photographer Brendan was interested to see what I could create later that evening, we got some stunning images of which this is one.

The day wound down with a slower dance, an intimate way to complete the celebrations.  Have a great time on honeymoon Brendan and Lucy, you had an amazing day.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Donna & Stuart

Donna & Stuart got married on a rather blustery day this month. But, except for the odd shower, this didn't affect the day.

I am always on the look out for any off beat compositions and details, so I was pleased with the way this scene tells a story.

The dress and accessories were fun to cover, with lots of exquisite detailing.

Donna was ready in plenty of time, giving us the chance for a few portraits before I had to make my way to the church.

The groomsmen met at the Longfrie and then had a short stroll to St. Peter's Church for the service.  There has got to be a message in this picture...

The interior of the church had been decorated in spectacular fashion, clearly a lot of effort had gone into this.  We were also treated to a brass band, this created a great atmosphere.

A heavy shower blew by quickly so we could emerge from the church.

Thank you to Rena & Jim for the use of their  meticulous garden for a few pictures on our way to the Farmhouse for the reception.

The Farmhouse had been decorated with similar attention to the church, well worth the effort.

This gift certainly seemed well received, we try very hard to capture these precious and fleeting moments.

I couldn't resist adding this image to the blog, it illustrates perfectly the events that we are constantly on the look out for.

Some danced while some sat outside and enjoyed the conversation.

Now I thought his dancing was pretty good...

A breath of fresh air gave us the chance to take a few pictures in the gardens.

Back to the dance floor - which Stuart had managed to avoid so far.  But as the last song was played he was dragged onto the floor amidst much cheering.  A great end to a beautiful day.